Climate Report: 2022

A Message From Our Leader

At Arc’teryx, our work has always been a direct response to the mountains around us. From our start in 1989, we have looked to the Coast Mountains for inspiration: designing equipment that enables users to maximize time, adventures and life-affirming experiences in the outdoors.

Today, when we look up at those towering peaks, we see a changed view. The green forests bear scars from wildfires, familiar rock faces have slipped in storms and the snowpack is shrinking. The impacts of climate change are apparent, and the places and communities we love depend on our ability to adapt and change.

In 2020, we declared our science-based targets, committing to significantly reduce our emissions intensity by 2030. Our progress has been steady, and faster than expected, but there is plenty more for us to do. One of our biggest increases in emissions this year came from transport – due, in large part, to supply chain challenges which changed the way we move our product. In response, we hired our first-ever Chief Supply Chain Officer to lead us through these complex supply chain issues, toward a lower-carbon way of working. Similarly, we see that the growth in our global retail footprint has increased our direct carbon emissions. However, our community is invested in sustainability and circularity, so we’re ensuring that every new store is a hub for care and repair – helping our guests to keep their gear in play, out of landfill, and reducing emissions at the product level. We’ve grown our ReBIRD Service Centres globally, moving from a singular site in New York City to six locations across the world, maximizing our repair capabilities and reducing emissions impacts from shipping products for repairs.

As the world becomes ever more aware of the urgency of the climate crisis, we are committed to maximizing impact through collaboration. We are working with our ownership and partner companies in the Amer Sports Sustainability Committee to identify key areas of impact, leverage shared expertise, and act decisively on issues of sustainability and impact.

Looking ahead, 2023 will see the launch of new and more ambitious climate targets. Leaning into circularity, we’re opening new ReBIRDTM Service Centres, increasing global repair capabilities, and educating our guests on how to care for their gear. We’ll continue working closely with factories on worker well-being, making strides toward our goal of producing 80% of our products in a Fair Trade-certified facility. It’s a big mountain to climb, but we’re not shying away from the challenge.

With the support of our community, we’re committed to Leave it Better – working together to create a better world for both people and the planet.

Stuart Haselden
Chief Executive Officer

Read the full Climate Report for 2022, or head over to the Sustainability section of our website to learn more.